In Svalöv Municipality lies the small urban area of Tågarp. Tågarp is surrounded by a typical agricultural landscape of Skåne but lacks green spaces and natural areas. Therefore, the focus in the municipality’s latest comprehensive plan was on developing Tågarp into a greener urban area. In the comprehensive plan, a roughly three-hectare plot of farmland has been identified as a suitable site for developing a green space. The land is currently owned by the municipality and leased out, but in the future, the area is planned to be transformed into a recreational forest.
In this project, Svalöv Municipality seeks your assistance in determining the most suitable type of forest for the land. Considering factors such as soil conditions, the area's history, biodiversity, recreation, climate adaptation (shade and stormwater management), growth rate, and costs, you will propose appropriate tree species and approaches. For the municipality, it is essential to choose native trees, but the question remains: which species are most suitable, and in what size and age should they be planted? In what sequence should the different trees be introduced, and how long will it take before the area is sufficiently developed to be experienced as recreational by visitors? You/your team will also examine how the forest area should be designed, incorporating components such as community gardens, outdoor gyms, and forest playgrounds. The project may include a survey of Tågarp residents' preferences for the area’s design.
The development proposal will be supplemented with a cost estimate, primarily for the proposed green infrastructure, as well as suggestions for funding, such as which national and international grants the municipality can apply for to support the project.